Wrapping Up 2023 Season
Wrapping Up 2023 Season
What an amazing dragon boating season. The teams under LDBC have had an incredibly successful year. As the days grow shorter, we need to wrap up another year and dream of the lake over the winter. Here are the upcoming events as we wrap up the year:
- September 27th, 8 PM – Chicken picking – Patty, a long-time support of LDBC, allows us to store our dragon boats and trailers in her barn over the winter instead of paying storage fees. Her request is that we help with loading chickens (chicken picking). PPE (coveralls and masks are provided). We as that as many people as possible come out to assist. It should take a between 60 – 90 minutes to complete. Patty’s farm is at 3489 Gore Rd.
- October 14th, 8:30 AM – Closing & Clean-up – final day of the season. People will be divided into work parties to remove the boats, docks, and clean for the end of the season. We will be doing this in conjunction with FYC and Rowbusts. Recommended kit is weather appropriate clothing, garden gloves (optional), water, and snacks. Pizza lunch will be provided. FYC does a lot of work throughout the year maintain the grounds and building and paying for the upkeep. They request that we help just twice a year – opening and closing and working together as a community. We anticipate that we should be done between 2:00 – 3:00 PM.
- October 21st, 9:00 AM – move the boats from FYC component to Patty’s farm – small delay to a family wedding being held on the farm. Will need people to lift boats on to trailers and to go to the farm and load them into the barn. Anticipate less than 90 min of work.
- November 5th, 1:00 PM – Annual general meeting (AGM) – historically we would have the AGMs in March. We are trying out moving to the end of the season. Location TBD and will run from 1 – 3 PM. AGM will review the season, opportunity for feedback, review finances and what is coming up. We will also have two open positions on the board and will be taking nominations and voting. Typically, the board meets once every two months, manages the member registrations and finances, pays out expenses, insurance, fees, maintains equipment, etc.
- Keep in touch with your teams. Have a happy and healthy off-season and we look forward to seeing every for the 2024 season. Communications on the season start will come out early March and anticipate opening in mid-April and launch by May 1.